
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Our Lessons from Marriage

1.) Love never goes -- it only grows! As corny as it sounds, the longer you are with someone... the more opportunity you have to love them. It isn't just for the normal things either! You start to love them for every sock you see left on the floor...for every time they steal the blankets at night and for every stolen kiss while company is over!

2.) Keep is light! Humor is a must or else things can get heavy quickly. It's worth it to find humor when a cat decides to eat a rose purchased for "Just Because Day".

3.) Compromise and consider. When two people live [so close] together, it's important to find that middle ground. You can't always get what you want and neither can he/she... Learning this early on helps out big time.

4.) Kiss and make-up -- Arguments are bound to happen, but out of conflict comes growth. Honestly there are things that probably should be fought a little harder for, but don't sweat the small stuff [ex. peanut butter brands, toilet paper types, etc.. you see where I'm going] I personally believe that when "growth" happens, kisses should also be included. :)

5.) Do what is best for YOUR marriage. There are so many websites, blogs and television shows that tell you how to have the BEST MARRIAGE EVER! First of all, they can't promise anything and secondly, they don't know you. We received so much advice when we got engaged. We received even more advice while we were planning. And you wouldn't believe how much advice get got at our wedding! It's all overwhelming, but in time you figure out what is best for you as a couple.

I share these five things because they are lessons that we've learned; simple yet powerful. I hope that everyone who gets married has valuable lessons they can take with them as they grow old. In under 5 months, we've learned so much... imagine what a lifetime has to teach us!

[I leave you with a picture of pure bliss to give you a smile! Enjoy!]

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