Preeeeeeetty much... [Thanks xkcd comics.]
I remember apartment searching in September. First of all, it's overwhelming to look at all the choices, costs and locations. Secondly... I didn't even feel qualified to be making life decisions. I was listening to the land-lady discuss apartment specifications, companies to call about bills, the lease and I couldn't help but think... "When do my parents come sign the form"?
We are 23 and neither of us feel like adults.
We're married, we're working and paying bills. I cook meals [sometimes] and keep a happy husband... Should I feel like an adult yet? I can go grocery shopping and grab anything I want. Eric and I are able to stay up as late as we want, even when we have to work! And if we REALLY wanted to... we could take a trip to anywhere[by car or plane]!
For now, our lives are simple enough:
1.) Wake Up
2.) Work
3.) Come Home
4.) Do House Work
5.) Eat Dinner
6.) Hang out
7.) Eric plays a game/I browse Pinterest and YouTube
8.)Bed time
Eight simple steps that equate to our lives. We love how we live, but I feel like we have too much fun to truly be adults. I encounter so many grumpy people at work and they all seem to hate life. I'm sure you've heard many jokes that include the words "bills", "adult" and "sucks". I guess I do not understand the doom and gloom to adulthood. Sure there are tough times, but who cares; they pass.
In some sick way, I enjoy paying bills. Every month we are reminded of the financial progress we've made and to be thankful for our jobs. I enjoy working because it makes me get away from the apartment and I can come home to my hubby! If this is adulthood, please... sign me up!
I love having fun.
I love being married.
I love working.
I love paying bills [to a point].
I love the tough times, because they make the best times even better.
The choices are endless and our life is our own.
BUT will we ever feel like adults?
[p.s. even if we ever start to feel like adults... we WILL NOT grow old. ^_^]
Hi. I just started following your blog by suggestion of Rachel Green. We both went to SAU. I've been married for 3 years and both my husband and I ponder the same things that I see on your blog. Especially this post--what is adulthood supposed to look like?
Keep it up. I can definitely relate!
My blog isn't a marriage blog, but I usually post about my latest projects or finds. Right now I am doing a gardening series because my husband and I are amateurs and would like to document our progress.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the post! And thank you for subscribing. I know that SAU said they were preparing us for real life, but I never feel prepared. :)
Adulthood still feels like youth and all of the confusion that goes along with it. I'm sure I'll be posting more about this time in our lives.
I checked your blog out as well! I wish I had a green thumb...
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