
Thursday, April 12, 2012

DIY Feature: Crayon Art

Anyone who has a Pinterest account OR anyone who has accessed the internet has seen the crayon art. My dad came up for a visit today... so I decided we HAD to try it!

{My Dad and me}

Supplies needed:
-Canvas (Any size, just make sure it is not the flat framing canvas. You want the stretched kind)
-Crayons (Depending on the colors you want, you will probably need multiple boxes)
-Hot glue gun
-Blow dryer
-Newspaper or something to cover your work area
-Time: At least an hour.. more if you are a perfectionist like me!


Step one:
We had to run to Target and Hobby lobby to get our supplies [I'm sure we could have just hit up Hobby Lobby, but Target is always fun!]

{My life...}

Step two:
Choose your crayon color and pattern. I decided on the rainbow and Dad went with whatever he pulled out of the box :)

{"Choosing" his colors}

{And I organized mine...}

Step three:
Use the hot glue gun to attach your crayons to your canvas. Be sure you know what pattern you want and EXACTLY where you want your crayons... hot glue doesn't like to move once it sets on the canvas [at least not on the type I purchased].

{Gluing it down}

Step four:
Once you have the crayons glued, grab your blow dryer and turn it on high. Position the dryer right next to the tip of the crayons and let the fun begin! Depending on the type of crayon pattern you'd like, move the blow dryer to move the wax as you would like. The project itself does not take long to dry at all. Also, If you have anything nearby that you would not want wax on, be sure to cover it up... our dining room table now bears the waxy scars of art fun! :)

{Dad working on his gluing while I worked with the blow dryer. No pics of that step because my hands were busy ;) }

Step five:
Stand back and admire your work! Each piece will always be different, so the repetition value of this art project is very high! Try different color combinations and different patterns! [See pinterest if you need more ideas for your next crayon project...]

{Dad's crayon art}
{My crayon He[art] }


This project was so much fun! In fact, I was quoted during the project saying this:
"This is more fun than anyone should legally have...EVER!"

{Hanging up with my other paintings; note the EZBZ in the middle :)}

Which DIY would you like to see me attempt next? Are there any projects you are dying to do? Let me know and yours could be my next DIY feature!


Stacey J said...

Awwwww. . . . I love that you did this with dad . . . :)

Rachel Green said...

Just so you know, I love your blog and am following it!!! Also, your heart turned out AMAZING! I want to do one. This would make for a good home made gift as well :) Thanks for posting!

The BZ in the EZBZ said...

Rachel, Thanks for following! I'm so glad you like it. :)

And yes! Homemade gifts, rainy day projects for kids... I mean, honestly the possibilities only end where creativity ends. Any other DIY you've been dying to try, but would like to see made first?

Rachel Green said...

I will keep my eye out for DIY's that I want you to try so I don't have to go through the hassle of trying it myself and failing lol...I am not a very crafty person by any means. I mostly try recipe's on pinterest, but if I see something that looks interesting I will pass it your way and have you test it out :) Thanks for sharing!!!!