Here is a diagram that describes the basic differences between an introvert and an extrovert:
[...stay with me for a couple diagrams... :) ]

OR in very simple terms:

Now, take that information and apply it to my husband and myself. Can you guess who the introvert is? If you guessed me, you would be absolutely correct. Most people can gather this within moments of meeting me. Let's just say: opposites truly do attract.
I prefer an evening at home over an evening on the town. I'd rather spend time with 1-4 friends rather than a party full of people. At work, I'm the one in the back getting my job done and not chatting with my co-workers [usually getting the job done quickly but I'm out of the loop on work chatter]. Contrary to what you may be thinking, this type of lifestyle suits me.
Mr. EZ, on the other hand, LOVES people. He thrives off of large family gatherings and work relationships. He can find a friend in a stadium full of strangers. And I'm standing behind him asking, "Can we go home now"?

Kind of like this...
You might think that the differences might make it difficult, but it's actually a GREAT thing for us! During our three years of dating we figured out how to use our differences to complement each other and THEN we applied that to our marriage. [Talk about building a skill!]
Let me give you an example how this works... We go to large family Christmases every year. As an introvert you would find me in the corner, playing a game or reading. However it's family! One does not simply hide away from family. My lovely husband suddenly transforms into Superman! [if you are confused, read here: Superman Complex ] Using his super-hubby powers, he is able to reduce any anxiety there might have been and he becomes my quiet place... the place where I am allowed to just sit and listen, observe and be content.
And then a second example... On weekends we decide to stay home, you can usually find us in our living room. Mr. Extrovert loves to chatter, play games and show off. However since we are home alone he tends to get anxious sitting around and being still. I take this opportunity to transform into his Lois Lane [in my own introverted way]. So in a situation where he might feel uncomfortable or anxious due to lack of activity... I can provide him with feedback, chatter and some excitement. ;)
Introverts and extroverts can live in peace and harmony; even in close relationships. However, it takes understanding and time. There is nothing wrong with being an introvert or extrovert... there is nothing that needs to change about your partners personality tendencies [a common misconception to the opposite personality preference]. Introverts need to observe; extroverts need to experience. Introverts need time; extroverts need activity...etc. Everyone needs to be understood.
1 comment:
Ok, so you hit that one right on the head. I'm glad you have found away to live with such differences. Not that it matters anyways. (No return policy!) I just think you two are perfect together. You will be blessed with many years together.
In response to the survey, the cats are all right but I do have 5 here and somedays that is more than enough of cats. But I will always enjoy seeing my grandkittens!
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